Monday, May 21, 2012

Corndogs and Milkshakes

Hoookay, so!  I'm drunk at work.  Still.   From last night.  It's 10:36 and I want to faceplant on the Reception desk.

So much for not drinking for a month.  D'oh!

"Just one glass" of white wine last night (while "not talking") turned into 5 glasses, being the last one of my friends left at the bar, finishing off my friend's whiskey, and whispering about Texas/ fundamentalist Islam/ sex positions with a Daniel Day Lewis look-alike.

His milkshake brings all the boys to the yard?

DAMN. And I usually don't go for beards.

After 2 hours of sleep (draw your own conclusions),  I woke up this morning late for work, and stumbled (literally, stumbled- I'm still drunk, remember) to the train in a THUNDERSTORM. Woman on the street next to me after epic lightening/ thunder crash: "Aww HELL naw! I'm gettin in a cab, I don't play this sh*t!"  Me either, Angry Woman on the Street.  ME EITHER.

So, you know, I left everything except my hangover and sunburn at home.  I thought I was gonna throw up on the train- ohhh, 3 separate times.  Then the dude next to me sneezed- ON MY HANDS.  Gross.  I mean, my tolerance for subway germs/ behavior is pretty high, but dude, seriously?  Seriously.  That's what the crooks of your elbows are for.  Do not sneeze without covering your face!!!  By the way, winning at Monopoly on your phone doesn't make you a good human.  It just makes you a good button pusher.

Anyway, whatever Monsoon Monday- you can can suck itttt!  I'm over this bad mood. I'm just gonna bump some Jay-Z in my headphones and watch white girls carry boxes in heels.

That's me in the corner...

ANYWAY - Yesterday was such a great day.   Actually the whole weekend was marvelous.  Basically I've been doing activities that are free, where I don't have to talk to people.  Because I'm broke! And on vocal rest. And New York is a city for wandering adventures- IF it's nice out. And this weekend was a beauty.

Met with a possible agent at The Network on Saturday... so we will see where that goes. And saw my AMAZING co-worker in a show on Saturday night.  It was a musical about orphan musicals, called Unamed Broadway Musical: The Musical!  (Due to copyright issues, they couldn't say it was based on and inspired by the idea of an all-adult cast doing "Annie" or "Oliver" but it totally was, dude!)

Cast of UBM:TM!

 The show took place in a really lovely space (The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts), and the show itself was funny, sweet, and moving.  Big ups to Brian Dunlop- and the whole cast- for making some brave, bold and hilarious choices.  It was inspiring to watch that kind of commitment on stage!  For more info about the show (and unique concept), check here.

Then- I took my yearly solo trip to Coney Island on Sunday morning! .
Ahhh, corndogs. 
So you know, I'm climbing all over the jetty (no lifeguards!  SWAG), watching kids play in the freezing water, contemplating how awesome my life is, when I have to go to the bathroom.  After answering nature's call, I start to wander down the boardwalk, eating trail mix, watching European tourists wear funny hats. (It is not cold enough for fur, Germany.) Then I pass a sign slapped on the side of a wall.  It's a bright orange posterboard that says "ART SHOW" in a graffiti tag. 1949 Macdonald Ave, Brooklyn. 2-8pm, Sunday May 20th. "Ohcool...ilovegraffiti.......... heythat'srightnow!" go the thoughts in my sun-addled brain.

But then... WherethehellisMacdonaldAve?

I grab a delicious, 9,0000 calorie meal at Nathan's and contemplate my next move.  Do I follow this sketchy, hand-lettered sign to a place I don't know how to get to, and have never heard of, alone?  Or do I stay at my beloved Coney, dodging tourists, seagull poop and sandstorms?

Welp, I truly can NOT turn down a dare. Ever. Especially from myself.

And a corndog and a Google Maps search (from a friendly Puerto Rican couple at Nathan's) later, I take the F train to:

...which I follow to this place....

...which has like, a DJ bumping hiphop and 6 pieces of art INside, when you walk through the fire exit, you find it's really about these guys...

..doing this on the wall in an alley OUTside.

None of this is visible from the street, of course. Yeah.  My brain says: iLoveNewYork.

Then I left BK, to travel to Central Park- to film a promo for the play I'm in at the end of the summer.

On the train to Manhattan, I look out the window while we're stopped, and see written either "Joy" or "Oy" (or possibly loy?):

Subway wall of Joy/Oy.  And yes, those are 3 Hasids sitting across from me.

 The play we are trying raise money for is Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. It follows the Peanuts characters as they move through angsty, painful, hilarious high school shenanigans.  I'm playing Marcie: the nerd-turned-party-girl, (A leeetle too close to home).  She's sidekick to Peppermint Patty (who now goes by Trish).    More on this soon, as rehearsals start!

For now, I'll leave you with the view looking up as we were filming in Central Park:

Thanks, The Universe. Great job.

1 comment:

  1. Also, someone dropped and shattered a glass yesterday. It was truly thrilling.
