Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Yin Yangs and Sun Flares: Highlights Edition

My life is always nutso.  17 Million things happening at once..on an easy day.  With little time, and a lotta happenings, here's some highlights:

No, not THAT Highlights! You crazy kids...

Ahem!  My Life, In Reverse Chronological Order:

1) Tonight I'm going to a photography exhibition where Eve Ensler is talking (!!!) And Coco Rosie (well, at least half the band) is playing.  (!!!):

It's this photography exhibition called "Self Evident Truths"- a collection of beautiful/sad/ugly/real portraits of people who have "come out" all over the world..and are sharing their stories in this giant exhibition.

Is this a new concept?  Nah.  But the photos sure are great.  Check out some samples here.  And any place where the author of The Vagina Monologues is gonna be talking...well, just sign me up.

PS- AND it's at a venue called The Hole!  Hahahahaha. I'm 12.

2) Tonight is also the night of a phenomenon called "Manahattan-Henge".  It's where the sun aligns just perfectly over Manhattan for TWO DAYS, so that as you look from East to West Across the Avenues, you get a God-Like Blinding Solar Flare:

Whooooaaa... that's like...bright, man...

 Gotta love that sun.  Who's ready for creative cursewords from cabbies caught in the crosstown crush?

3)  I saw the first of my best friends from home, Sierra June, get married this weekend...in San Francisco.  Dear God...what a magical joy filled place that city is!  It was a BEE-YOO-TIFUL ceremony in City Hall.  That place is so goergeous, and EVERYONE looked so elegant and joy filled (especially the bride)...I fell in love with the world, with my friends, and wanted to get married on the spot.

I would...Would you?

There was also a beautiful giant lotus (an installation from the Asian Art Museum) right oustide after we exited the light palace of City Hall. The giant red petals sway in the (freezing) San Fran Winds.

You know. As a reminder to be flexible. And that flowers DO grow out of the mud.

It's a metaphor!  Finally, right?

Then we took a party bus to the reception!!  I was worried about my voice for a while... and it WAS indeed, too difficult not to talk.

Then after a bit, I said, "Fuck it."   I just talked. And drank. And sang! And enjoyed my life.  You know?  Because if I'm gonna lose my voice, it's gonna be because I had a great time at my best friends' wedding, in a gorgeous city with amazing people.

And know what else?  My voice didn't disappear!  It's still crackly, but I can talk.  Now I'm babying the voice again, and not drinking again, or talking outside on a cellphone.

But MAN was this weekend worth it. Great food, friends, dancing, music..and life.  I even met someone..that I actually like!  (Gasp. I know, right?)  He's a pharmacist.  We went on several dates. One of them was to buy Plan B.  Hooray!

Not THAT Plan B!  You crazy kids...

4) Anway, for Nikki's Final Moment, I guess I'll just wrap with the whole Life is a Balancing Act /Swaying Lotus Flower/ Bowl of Cherries thing.  I mean, it's a cop-out, but it's true, too.  Me not talking makes my friends uncomfortable.  I see this happening.  All the time, but at a wedding especially.  And I HATE making people uncomfortable...especially my best friends.  It's really the worst feeling in the world.  They don't know what to say, or how to treat me, or what to expect from me when I can't verbally express myself.

But at the same time my voice is like a saxophone reed...strong and flexible- til I misuse it, and it cracks.

In yin-yang conclusion... Here's some heavy:

It's a metaphor!

With some light:
Just plain awesome.

Stay tuned...

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